About Us
Solubag consists of a group of global companies formed by eco-conscious Chilean scientists, entrepreneurs, and managers, who have achieved the support from many international investors. These investors believe in this innovative development which represents a great solution to the serious problem of plastic and its waste. Its operations are designed to be commercialized in America, Europe, and Africa as the first step, and then take a leap to the global market. We currently have more than 20 collaborators working on the best development of this technology to make a better world because we passionately believe … We must start TODAY to save THE FUTURE.
We have developed a technology, in which flexible and rigid films are manufactured and when in contact with water, dissolve without leaving any toxic or polluting residues in the environment. This technology is made of the same material used for manufacturing capsules shells for medication, i.e., Tylenol gel caps or similar.

Making an abrupt and necessary change
To deliver high-quality water-soluble, environmentally friendly technologies to our customers. We are looking for permanent innovation and satisfaction from our clients, by responding to their requirements and needs.
To be a global leader in eco-friendly and environmentally friendly products